Our common stock is listed on NYSE under the symbol VSH. For more detailed stock information, please visit our Stock Quote page.
You can contact us via our Contact page page.
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Computershare can provide account information to VSH shareholders by dialing 1-800-736-3001, option 1 in the U.S. or 1-781-575-3100, option 1 outside the U.S. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm Eastern time, and will handle all shareholder and broker inquiries regarding account balances, stock certificates, dividend checks and address changes.
No, Vishay does not currently have a direct stock purchase or sales program.
On February 4, 2014, Vishay announced the payment of our first ever quarterly dividend and our intention to pay a quarterly dividend going forward. Future dividends will be subject to the approval of our Board of Directors.
No, Vishay does not have a dividend reinvestment program. However, if you hold your shares through a brokerage firm, they may offer such a program.